One to One Dog Obedience Training

This type of training is designed for those clients who would prefer their dog to be trained on a one to one basis as a preference; either because the client does not feel ready for the class situation, the dog is not yet suitable or purely out of personal preference.


The training can take place at my home address - where I have a secure paddock and my own dogs. Alternatively it can take place at the clients home address; or indeed any other location, which would suit dealing with the behavioural problems being experienced.


If this type of training is of interest to you please contact me either by email or by phone.  The cost very much depends on the location where the training takes place and the travelling involved.  Bringing your dog to me is the most cost effective option - but it may not be the best option for dealing with the issue.

A guideline for pricing .... if you bring your dog to me the cost of a session lasting around an hour is £50.00.

Issues Encountered & Rectified

ALL PROBLEMS including :- Aggression towards people and other dogs - Recall Problems - Lack of Obedience - Separation Anxiety - Destruction - Nervousness - House Training - Continual Barking - Travel Problems - Hyperactivity

Aggressive and Unsociable Dogs

I have a vast amount of experience dealing with dogs that are either aggressive or show aggressive tendancies - either to humans or other dogs.


One to one training session/s are offered to deal with such dogs; which will include hands on practical demonstration and advice on how to deal with the unsociable behaviour.

Selection of a New Dog

Professional advice can be offered on the selection of a new dog or puppy; which can include what to do when you first take your dog home:- for example introducing the new dog to already established pets in the household.

New Puppy Consultations

A home visit can be conducted inorder to advise you on how to manage your new puppy in the early days.  This consultation is for the whole family.

No Problem is Too Small or Too Difficult to Deal With

We are located at:

Street Farm Cottage,The Street

Newchurch, Romney Marsh

TN29 0DZ

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© Peter Williams